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SKS Consulting Group

Prized insight into performance

dynamic data system to drive talent decisions

SKS Consulting Group developed a rigorous process to take uncertainty out of hiring decisions and leadership development. But tracking its own business processes was proving difficult.

The Challenge

SKS Consulting Group outgrew its business processes. The firm could expertly identify and match high-potential job candidates but had trouble tracking internal processes, such as linking its consultants to projects and client teams. Information had to be entered in multiple places, which made reporting and billing labor-intensive and time-consuming. SKS needed to centralize its data, streamline project management and make it easier to invoice clients.

The Solution

Wipfli helped SKS map out its current processes and identify pain points. Together, they found steps that could be eliminated or made consistent across the organization. Then Wipfli helped SKS implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 to bring its operations together. Dynamics 365 gave SKS a centralized dashboard for company performance and enabled more efficient and consistent collaboration.

With Wipfli, we used technology to form a foundation that will set the business up to be successful.
Melissa Robinson, Business Operations Leader at SKS Consulting

The results

Technology improved the client and candidate experience — and SKS’s internal operations. Now SKS can track productivity and company performance, from appointments to the pipeline of upcoming assessments. It can see candidate status in real time and report quickly to clients. Eliminating paper processes made the sudden transition to remote work possible, which lessened the impact of COVID-19 on the firm. Dynamics 365 is a launching pad for SKS — and Wipfli managed services will help it grow and succeed.