In-Depth Training on OMB's Uniform Guidance
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In-Depth Training on OMB's Uniform Guidance
2/16/2021 12:30 PM - 2/18/2021 04:00 PM (CT)
Type: Live Webinar
Industry: Nonprofits, Governments
Cost: $825
CPE Credits: 10.5
Seats Remaining: 1000
Why Attend
Join us online for this virtual training workshop to learn about the Uniform Guidance regulations (2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards). We will review the regulations, share examples and stories and also share best practices learned from years of auditing and consulting.
Wipfli’s nonprofit experts have been presenting high-quality training for more than 40 years. During this virtual workshop, we will provide you with federal grant regulation training relating to financial management and administration to help you with financial grant compliance.
Participants declare Wipfli training “empowering,” “outstanding,” “meaningful,” “invaluable” and “relevant.” Join us from the comfort of your location. Sign up today!
Registration Fee*
Regular rate: $825 per person.
*Wipfli accepts AmEx, Discover, Visa and Mastercard.
Registration fees include:
- Up to 10.5 CPE credits in accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. CPE credits are granted based on a 50-minute hour.
- Reference materials (any PowerPoint presentations and/or additional references) available for download.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations made after February 2, 2021, will be charged a $100-per-person cancellation fee. If you cancel, you may send a substitute from your organization. Participants who register but neither attend nor cancel are charged for their full registration fee. Call 888.876.4992 for questions about this policy.
Daily Schedule
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
12:30 – 4 p.m. CT
General Provisions, Administrative Requirements, Procurement
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
12:30 – 4 p.m. CT
Monitoring and Reporting, Cost Principles, Cost Allocation
Thursday, February 18, 2021
12:30 – 4 p.m. CT
Selected Items of Cost and Audit Requirements
Training Workshop Outline
Day 1: General Provisions, Administrative Requirements, Procurement
Tuesday, February 16, 2021; 12:30 – 4 p.m. CT
Advanced Preparation: None
Level: Basic
Prerequisite: None
Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)
CPE*: 3.5 credit(s)
After an introduction and discussion of the laws and regulations, we will discuss the general provisions and administrative requirements of the Uniform Guidance, then focus on standards for financial management systems and internal controls, property and equipment and procurement.
Day 2: Monitoring and Reporting, Cost Principles, Cost Allocation
Wednesday, February 17, 2021; 12:30 – 4 p.m. CT
Advanced Preparation: None
Level: Basic
Prerequisite: None
Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)
CPE*: 3.5 credit(s)
Day two will include discussion regarding the requirements for pass-through entities, reporting and record retention requirements, general provisions of the cost principles and cost allocation including indirect cost rates.
Day 3: Selected Items of Cost and Audit Requirements
Thursday, February 18, 2021; 12:30 – 4 p.m. CT
Advanced Preparation: None
Level: Basic
Prerequisite: None
Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)
CPE*: 3.5 credit(s)
Day three will follow with the cost principles and discussion of the costs that a grant-funded program can charge to federal grant awards, including allowable costs, unallowable costs and costs that require prior approval. We will conclude with a discussion of the audit requirements.
Learning Objectives:
- Review the organization and applicability of the Uniform Guidance.
- Discuss the requirements for financial systems.
- Discuss the regulations on program income, property and procurement.
- Explore the requirements for reporting and record retention.
- Explore the basics of allowable costs.
- Discuss direct and indirect costs.
- Explore the options for cost allocation.
Be Prepared:
You will receive the webinar access information from GoToWebinar upon registration as well as reminders one day and one hour prior to the training. Materials will be available 24 hours before. A link to access them will be in the email.