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Cyber insurance readiness assessment

Avoid increased premiums or denial of coverage altogether

Cybersecurity insurance carriers are rewriting the rulebook on issuing new policies and renewals. Increased technical requirements, rising premiums and deductibles, and reduced coverage limits often mean that you could end up with a more expensive policy that might not cover everything you want it to.

Let Wipfli conduct a survey-based assessment of your environment to determine whether you have the technical safeguards in place to maximize the strength of your cybersecurity insurance application. We also conduct a network inventory scan to identify the assets connected to your network as well as any out-of-date operating systems that leave you exposed to cybersecurity attacks.

You’ll be able to take the results of this assessment and put your organization in the best position to apply for cybersecurity insurance and increase your resistance and resilience to attacks.

Fill out the form below to get started. We’ll contact you to schedule your assessment.