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Sample RFPs for nonprofit, government and education organizations

Sample RFP templates customized to your needs

Why spend the time and effort putting together a request for proposal (RFP) when you can use one already tailored to nonprofit, government and education organizations?

Wipfli has developed a range of sample RFPs that your organization can use to find the ideal firm to provide the services you need.


  • Sample RFI for cybersecurity and IT assessment: Identify the right firm to lead you through an assessment of your technology and build a multi-year technology roadmap. The end result? You can align technology and strategy to better support your mission.


  • Sample RFP for human resources review: Perform a strategic review of your existing HR policies, procedures and systems to assess how well these areas are contributing to the management of your most critical asset: your employees.
  • Sample RFP for competitive pay analysis: Secure a third-party to assist you with developing a successful compensation plan and practices for your organization. By ensuring employees are paid equitably and competitively, you can attract qualified candidates, increase productivity and reduce turnover.
  • Sample RFP for talent assessment and succession plan: Retain key, high-potential employees and develop a succession plan for your organization’s leadership and management positions.
  • Sample RFP for organizational structure review and design: Evaluate whether your current organizational structure supports your strategic initiatives, promotes growth and alignment, enables decision-making and communication, and is responsive to changes.


  • Sample RFP for strategic planning: Find the right firm to lead your organization through the strategic planning process, including defining your role in the community, setting strategic priorities and goals, and creating action plans and timelines.
  • Sample RFP for community needs assessment: Select a firm to lead you through a comprehensive community needs assessment to meet regulatory requirements and better inform your operations, strategic initiatives, funding needs and decision-making.


We’ve created several sample RFP templates for audit services that are tailored to different types of organizations. These documents are designed to simplify the process of going out for bid, creating a scoring system and asking the right questions of CPA firms.

  • Sample RFP for Uniform Guidance single audit services for grant-funded organizations
  • Sample RFP for audit services for non-grant-funded organizations
  • Sample RFP for audit services for government organizations
  • Sample RFP for audit services for colleges